Solo Artists
Rockin' Your world with just one dude.
From a grass roots, hometown, festival playin', rock n' roll, Americana guy to an event DJ that likes to get loose with his crowds and teach them how to dance, we've got solo acts that may be all your event needs!

Steve Anderson is a rock n' roll, grass roots kind of artist, playing familiar songs from the heartland of America. His music is influenced by artists like John Cougar, Elvis Presley, Train, U2, and The Beatles. Always contemplative, his catalogue of songs have been described as "life experiences with a Memphis sound... grounded and real." Sharing heartwarming stories in-between songs gives the audience a sense of where the ideas came from, as well as gifts of hope, optimism, tolerance, and love from a guy who loves to perform.

Steve Anderson

DJ Royce

A family-friendly DJ who likes to have fun with his crowd! Spinning dance contests, prizes, and synchronized videos leading the dances. Great for schools, rec centers, events, holiday parties, theme parks - anywhere a family audience is gathered.
Creative Assemblies
Presenter, Steve Anderson, is passionate about inspiring the next generation of artists and dreamers. He is a theme park ride designer, television producer, musician, and great presenter, and will leave your audience wanting to learn more! To see more of his qualifications, please visit our Popcorn Media portfolio page.